On October 18th, I celebrate my birthday. I don't know where the years have gone but I can tell you that I am much closer to the big 30 than ever and life is getting better and better by the day!
So far I have not done much compare to other successful people my age, but I think I've done well for someone who came to the United States alone at twenty years old. I had a rough start in the United States. And I mean rough! I came from rarely spending a night outside of parents' home (except during summer time. I was always by my Grandparents, most of the time with mom or dad anyway) to moving in with a family member, related to me on both sides (my mom and dad side), where I ended up paying for a family feud that existed before I was even born. One man fathers kids with two aunts, one on each side (mom & dad); although I love both aunts very dearly, I am closer to one for many reasons: I spent ALL my summers with her; she visited us often and was the one taking care of mom when she was in her darkest moments. Unfortunately I ended up on he other side and I was caught in the middle of a nasty family feud that had nothing to do with me; I was forced to choose sides, refused and it ended up UGLY! I paid a HIGH price emotionally! (More details in my book. Coming out someday when I write it or if anyone is interested in reading it).
Long story short, my problems didn't stop there. I moved around on an island where I knew no one, but I had those angels who were placed right on my path, right when I needed them. I couldn't believe that someone had the nerve to do what she did to me. But looking back today, what she did motivated me to do better and better everyday, despite coming here with a clear vision and goals. I cried about it. I cried about being betrayed by own blood but I moved on.
I moved around some more, got myself into a little bit more trouble but worked my way up to where I am today. I NEVER did anything that I won't be proud to tell anyone about. Although I chose not to move closer to uncle, auntie and cousins in NY, they supported me in their own ways. I also have awesome family members! But before I reached where I am today, I worked in a Deli making Sandwiches and cashiering. This job was mostly important because I needed to learn the difference between a nickel and a dime and gain some experience in something in order to get anywhere. Then, I worked at Walgreens as a cashier and from there I went up.
Before Walgreens, I remember my struggle with my Godmother who wanted me to work at a fast food restaurant doing "whatever" because I was a "Just Come". I told her "No. I have potential. I came here speaking English, I am going to look for other things that I think are more appropriate with what I will want to do. Restaurants, cooking, cleaning etc... are REALLY not my things. I am not Chef potential. (I also had my work permit by that time too!)..." That's when the fights started! "When you all come from haiti like that with a little diploma, thinking you all that etc..." she said. I never knew she was so close-minded and backward. I never said these jobs were "low" as she put it. They were just not my field. I had a plans. I started INUQUA and BIWI in Haiti and I intended to achieve what I started. When she realized that I didn't need her to take care of things like a baby, (and I wasn'tt a fan of her idol, Aristide and couldn't stand listening to Piman Bouk all day talking BS on the radio like she did), things got worst... All for the better! I laughed at it then, I still laugh at it now!
All of these events happened so fast! Before I knew it, I was in College! Yes, I put myself to College as a full time student while working full time. I ended opting for Online classes and I don't regret it. If I have to do it all over again, I will. It was just a perfect fit and just what I needed! I earned a BA in Business Administration with a Minor in Accounting/Finance at American InterContinental University (AIU) and proudly graduated in 2009. One of my proudest moments! I can't wait to go for a Master's Degree, but I am taking my time. I have to choose wisely.
Although, more adversities came later, but nothing close to what I went through before. One day I will share my experience with other people, such as my "sister in law", a Jersey girl! or Maybe I'll talk about that in that book that I dream of writing someday. Will anyone be interested in reading it? TBD!
I am in a good place in my life right now. And I am getting better by the day! No lie! What would I be without all of these adversities? I probably would have gotten so comfortable in my cousin's or godmother's house that I probably would never try to move out. I probably would never put myself to College. Yes, Ms. Sallie Mae is harassing me now, but it's all worth it! And if I, a foreigner can do it, you can too! Don't let your troubles keep you down or behind. Use them as motivation and you'll see how fast things will get moving forward!
"Obstacles can't stop you. Problems can't stop you. Most of all other people can't stop you. Only you can stop you". Jeffrey Gitomer