St. Thomas, USVI.... Taken by me

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Paul Waggoner - UPDATE

On December 29, 2010, about two weeks after his incarceration, Paul was released from the National Penitentiary. I am so happy that this whole ordeal is over for many reasons: 1) LP is FREE 2) I don't have to endure the comments and the fakeness of some people. What admire about LP is, despite all he went through, he gave his first interview and did not bash anyone like some others would have done. This is what makes LP LP. He is different. I was happy to see how calm and collected he was. He even grew a beard and looks like he somehow managed to put on some weight or maybe it's the TV...

This person has been saying that "the Pauls need to leave Haiti ASAP because there are other places that need them, that would protect them and wouldn't treat them that way..." Fact of the matter is, this can happen anywhere to anyone. I have no doubt that there are other places that need them and wouldn't treat them like they were treated in that "shithole", as some people call Haiti when they are anonymously commenting on blogs (I have a feeling when not anonymous, they profess their "love" for it...). I hope, no matter where they choose next, none of the Pauls or anyone genuine, with good intentions and who REALLY helps would have to go through this again.

I want to thank LP & BP ~ Big Paul AKA Paul Sebring for all they've done in/for Haiti. It was a rough ride but I hope they at least have one good memory of the place. Hopefully, someday, they would be able to go back and visit a better Haiti that they have contributed to. I am not seeing a better Haiti anytime soon, but you never know. After all, miracles do happen.

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. Martin Luther King Jr


  1. First and foremost I'd like to congratulate LP and his supporters for a successful victory!!! Yippee!

    Personally, I believe that it should be utterly unacceptable for some so-called “good Samaritans” to come to Haiti and do whatever they want under false pretense that they’re “helping”, and hence be allowed to get away with committing a crime. However, that was not the case here. It was obvious that [some folks in power] were trying to make judicial mechanisms work for their own interests. And THAT is disappointing. So in a way, I can understand why many “non-Haitians” were so upset. As a concerned Haitian citizen and a believer of justice I was very much upset too. But I agree with you Ms. C, some of the insensitive comments that were geared towards Haiti and Haitians in general were really uncalled for.

    I don’t know LP personally but he seems to be a tolerant, merciful and compassionate human being. I hope he doesn’t allow this hurtful experience to pose a hindrance to the way he perceives benevolence. I wish him and his family well with their future endeavors!

    Jesus’ life wasn’t any easier….still he loves us.

